Manufacturing Industrial Hemp Fiber Processing & Technology Company

To process hemp for quality products, a better world, and a sustainable planet

About Us

Since 2014, BastCore has been a technological pioneer in the American hemp processing industry.

The company has been consistently innovating, tailoring and perfecting the creation of premier hemp products from the bast and hurd (wood) and expanding the use-cases for the full hemp plant - sustainable use cases that benefit producers and manufacturers in construction, as well as textile (woven, and non-woven) industries.

Located in Alabama, BastCore is a leader in the natural fiber supply chain and the creator of the patented hemp technology that is helping to spur more efficient and broader use capabilities for the original fabric of America: HEMP.

At the farm, facility and warehouse are bales of hemp that the BastCore team harvest for use by textile brands, energy producers, green building companies, and more.

BastCore, an innovator in the technological advancements of hemp, invites you to experience what American HEMP can do for you.


Core Values


In our technology and processes


Premium Hemp Fiber.


As a company, as a product, as a supply chain partner


Hemp continues to be the original fabric of America since the 1600s


Hemp helps preserve and save our planet. Period.

Hemp is ingrained in who we are as Americans. Our BastCore team understands the product, it’s potential and how it can bring a sustained surge to many U.S. and global industries. At BastCore, we bask in the potential of hemp and look forward to further revolutionizing the industry - and bringing it into more companies and more homes. We also don’t mind taking a minute to simply appreciate the plant, the agriculture cultivation and the land that it comes from.”

Coleman Beale

Founder & CEO

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