What is Hemp?

What Is Hemp?

Our hemp fibers can be used to make items including paper, clothing, furnishing fabric, rope, and building materials.

The whole hemp plant, from stalk to seed, can also be used to make fuel and feedstock. Hemp also grows super fast and can grow in almost any climate. For more specific applications, hemp can be divided into four categories:

  • Bast fibers
  • Hurds, or shives
  • Leaves and flowers
  • Seeds
Hemp Fiber Characteristics & Uses
  • Stronger than cotton
  • Good abrasion resistance/very durable
  • Anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and UV resistance
  • Naturally resistant to mold, mildew, rot
  • Readily takes dyes
  • Softens with each washing, without fiber degradation
  • Breathable
Uses In Textile Industry

Research shows that hemp is the most sustainable fabric you can find to create apparel. It needs little to no pesticides to grow, uses very little water and helps to replenish the soil so that a new crop could grow shortly after harvest. Hemp has long been known as the miracle crop for its versatility and one of the best uses of hemp would be hemp clothing.

  • Apparel - dresses, suits, separates, skirts, jackets, pants, blouses, shirts, childrenswear.
  • Home Fashions - curtains, draperies, upholstery, bedspreads, table linens, sheets, dish towels.
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Hemp Facts

The July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

The U.S. Constitution and Flag, two of our most cherished symbols were made of hemp before it was prohibited.

In 1941 Henry Ford built a car with a plastic made from hemp and wheat straw.

Our Founding Fathers used and grew hemp; in fact the colonial government mandated that people grow hemp.

Settlers used hemp fiber as money and to pay taxes.

The original Levi Strauss jeans were made from hemp.

What Are People Saying?

BastCore’s connection to our broader fiber system will create opportunity for larger retailers looking to make inventive blends of hemp and Climate Beneficial Wool. They will also offer small fiber mills the potential to create farm yarns that combine the beauty of protein fibers and cellulose fibers all grown within the same region.

- A New Breed of Fiber Mill: BastCore Hemp Processing | Nov. 2017


Maddy Bartsch

Fibershed Reporter
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